Zac Smith presents an innovative approach to guitar tuition and performance accompanied by a vast wealth of experience through working with children and adults of all ages whilst covering a diverse range of guitar technique and styles including genres such as Blues, R&B, Rock n Roll, Classical, Jazz, Country, Hard rock, Metal, Contemporary and many more. With a focus on developing the skills required for performance or for simply personal pleasure and joy which in turn helps to build and boost student CONFIDENCE and SELF ESTEEM
Technical Skills: Exploration and further development of techniques associated with playing the guitar, these skills include dynamic control, tone variation, various fingerpicking styles including sweep picking, string bending, double stops, vibrato and other dexterity based skills whilst carefully and gradually developing total control over your hands and fingers in a relaxed manner.
Repertoire: An important aspect associated with guitar development and performance whilst presenting an opportunity to build a collection of songs and guitar riffs, students will begin to accumulate many songs including playing them in various keys which helps to build confidence with oneself and a connection to the instrument.
Music Theory: Students are exposed to a variety of music theory including notation, melody, harmony and rhythm, students begin by learning basic chords and a variety of chord shapes, an example of this is by demonstrating why certain chords work together, acquiring these simple building blocks will open up a world of possibilities along with learning to read music notation which can be a joy as it presents the learner with the skills and opportunities to then further pursue and explore new songs on their own. Ear Training: The development of the musical ear is an important skill that students have the opportunity to explore and build as they gain experience with their instrument, ear training also allows the learner to become aware of sounds that may be in or out of tune whilst understanding note relationships including groups of notes that may work well together in harmony and ultimately being able to learn songs and riffs by ear.
Music makes a tremendous impact on the developmental growth of every child and has proven to help level the “learning Field” across socio-economic boundaries, the more music children are exposed to before they enter school the more deeply this stage of neural coding will assist them throughout their lives. Donald Hodges – Covington Distinguished Professor of Music Education and director of the Music Research Institute at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro