Benefits of group learning


Group learning presents an opportunity for students to attain important values and skills that may not be evident in other music learning environments. Students are more motivated to learn in a social environment, and will tend to stretch further and practice more to ensure that they are able to keep up with their peers, this will encourage them to want to perform well, and allowing themselves the opportunity to develop and strive for their maximum potential.   This environment breeds confidence, self-esteem, and develops their social skills, an environment that allows musical benchmarks to be set and met by students and their peers.

Music helps children live in harmony with others.                                                                       Making music together builds bonds of trust and communication, and strengthens the feeling of belonging in a group. Music activities are so much fun that children are motivated to behave appropriately to join in. As children sing, move, and play instruments together, they practice social skills like taking turns, respecting others’ boundaries, and Listening to others’ ideas in a relaxed, playful setting. All are vital for emotional well-being and academic success.

Music is active.                                                                                                                                               Kids love to move to music—to march, tiptoe, stretch, stomp, wave their arms, jump, clap, or just dance to the beat. Research suggests that children who are physically active in school are more likely to be physically active at home. Moving to music (a great rainy day pastime) keeps children fit and thus helps prevent childhood obesity. This environment also offers students the opportunity to further develop newer skills such as playing their instrument in synchronization, dynamically, and expressively with others, a most valuable skill to attain when you consider that the primarily music is performed in ensembles, orchestras, bands, choirs, marching bands and the list goes on…  After all, music was always intended to be shared, and an opportunity for us to communicate on an intellectual level. This effect immediately begins to develop the musical ear with great success acquiring an improved sense of pitch, Voice, music ideas more developed as well as improve upon their level of hand-eye coordination, and yes! of course, the whole point of this is to enjoy music and have fun! – This is how we learn best!